Monday, December 22, 2008
Hipster Doucheblog Presents: The only music you should have listened to this year
Monday, November 17, 2008
Hipster Doche Comment of The day
Record Review: Deerhunter – Microcastle

Bradford Cox is not a bad guy. Back in May, the lead singer/songwriter and his band’s third album, Microcastle, leaked onto the Internet and entire five months before it’s release date, early even by the Internet’s standards. So who can blame him for getting a little ticked off? Now that the soap opera that has been the past few months on Deerhunter’s blog has died down, you can finally sit back and truly enjoy the music itself. And enjoy it you will, for Deerhunter’s follow-up to 2007s critically acclaimed, Cryptograms, shows the band exploring new, quieter sounds, yet staying true to the ambient noise-pop sound that makes them one of the most prolific bands making music today.
Deerhunter employ an interesting tactic on Microcastle, especially if you are familiar with any of the band’s other material, and that is they turn the volume way down. The album oozes along in stark contrast with the loud, shoegazing firestorm that was their last album. They explore more of a pop sound, as all of the songs contain lyrics and are almost all under five minutes in length, but the general soft sound that the album emanates makes it anything but conventional for a band like Deerhunter.
The first few tracks do not hit you with the same force as tracks like “Lake Somerset,” or “Strange Lights,” off of Cryptograms did, rather they seem to come at you very gently. The track “Agoraphobia” may be more conventional than anything else the band has yet produced, but still fits well within the context of the album as a whole. “Little Kids” is also a standout track, complete with its epic climax.
The album’s main flaw is that it is at times too quiet. The band’s new soft sound sounds like My Bloody Valentine turned up to 5, instead of 10. Three consecutive tracks smack in the middle of the album, “Cavalry Scars,” “Green Jacket,” and “Activa,” struggle to hold the listeners attention. Luckily the band saves this lull with the bass-driven gem, “Nothing Ever Happens,” complete with an ending that, believe it or not, will make you want to get up and dance, and is perhaps the best thing the band has ever written. Where Deerhunter seem to perfect this subtler sound is on the fantastic last track, “Twilight on Carbon Lake,” which starts like a noise-rock lullaby song, but ends in a triumphant blaze of noisy perfection.
Microcastle’s great appeal will undoubtedly be that is has things that old Deerhunter fans will find appealing, yet also a slightly more pop-friendly sound that will most likely attract newer listeners who were turned off by some of their earlier work. While Deerhunter’s new album is not perfect, it shows them exploring new sounds and trying new things. Though this reviewer is not sure he would like to see Cox and his band continue with this quieter sound on albums in the future, on Microcastle at least, they are successful in creating and album to both enjoy and to chill out to.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Hipster doucheblog in haitus
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Chris Baker Disses Radiohead, Loves Oasis

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
hipster douche comment of the day

Pitchfork you've done it again, this time not in so much a condescending way but in a pitifully poetic way:
On the new stars EP:
"The music here burns slow and then smolders-- not unlike the piles of autumn leaves (under cold gray skies!) that dot the lyrics-- and it's easy to imagine this music serving, for a lot of concertgoers, as a wistful memento of That Cold Night We Saw Stars"
(They went on to give it a 6.2... bastards)
Ugliest man alive goes skinny dipping

Yes my friends it is true (maybe) Our favorite lead singer went skinny dipping recently. Personally i just can't imagine Thom Yorke naked but that's just me (and probably the rest of humanity). I think the only thing more awkward than that would probably be Jonny Greenwood skinny dipping. Anyway just dropping by to leave those disturbing images in your head.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
hipster douche comment of the day
"Your music taste = superb"
i don't know who you are anonymous music listener but thank you for affirming what Bryant already knows.
"They're [Radiohead] middle-class boys worrying about pushing an envelope somewhere, and all that carbon footprint and all that bollocks. Every time there's a polar bear on his tiptoes on an ice cube in the middle of the Antarctic, you know whose fault that is? Rock stars'. That's their fault. Any time there's food running out somewhere-- 'Let's do a gig. That'll sort it out. Let's do a big fucking gig. Let's fly everybody in from all over the world and pontificate to poor people about how they should be saving the planet.' Go fucking kiss my ass. It's very easy to just say, 'We're going to become difficult now and challenge our audience.' I like my audience. They paid for my swimming pool. I'm not fucking challenging anybody."
We'll it looks like Oasis doesn't know the difference between whining in their music and whining in real life. Hey Oasis, try creating something that doesn't sound better when you're not performing it.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Going to Liberal Arts College: Checklist
- Burkenstocks
- North Face Back Pack
- Matching or Complimenting North Face Jacket
- American Apparel Hoodie
- Book of Frost Poems to carry at your side when you walk
- Sigg Metal Water Bottle (Metal is the new plastic)
- Classy Older Road Bike
- Scarf to blow in wind while riding bike
- Bizarre retro sunglasses that border on out of fashion
- Indie Band tee-shirts
- Frisbee that you never use
Monday, September 1, 2008
Hipster Doucheblog Issues a Challenge to its Readers

Saturday, August 30, 2008
Hipster Writers off to Campus Life

Your favorite writers leave tomorrow for a fantastical journey through space and time (mostly time) in the universe many call... college. The hipster world will most probably explode around everyplace we walk on campus so don't be surprised if we start any movements. We will probably take a short long weekend hiatus until we settle in. Enough said fellow readers, we bid you farewell.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Of Montreal Love Sex!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Hipster Gab

hipster douche comment of the day
"If it wasn't the name of this record, there's almost no way I'd use the word "intimacy" in relation to Bloc Party.''
Monday, August 25, 2008

Silver is the New Gold

U.S. following new hipster trend, claimed a secure lead in the silver medal count these past olympics letting China take a respectful second place at Gold. Over the past few years the general opinion has shifted away from the fame and fortune of gold, for its tacky and cliché nature. Silver with its vintage look and carefree attitude is the new medal to aim for in all competitive events. One of our weakest olympians Michael Phelps seemed not to get the memo as he pulled a huge party foul going for 8 gold medals. I interviewed one local olympic viewer on the contraversy, "What a fucking douchebag that Phelps, going for gold when he could have pushed a little harder and gone for silver. It's like he doesn't even care about this country. I bet he listens to Coldplay... asshole." Clearly a lot of resentment amongst American fans.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Hipster Goes Undercover to Bro Hangout

This past saturday night I ventured where few Hipster ever travel... a John Mayer concert. Disguised as a Bro, I donned a polo sagged my pants, grabbed a solo cup and cranked the Jack Johnson in attempt to blend in. Unfortunately I forgot to switch out of my Burkenstocks and was given dirty looks the entire night (They can smell hipsters out like bloodhounds). The concert was pretty good especially when Mayer got back to his Blues roots, playing Crossroads by Cream. Over the course of the night it was apparent that very few people were in fact there to see the "fucking dot all the way on stage" (-overheard drunken bro). Upon leaving the concert I was walking behind these two clear douchebags and overheard one ask the other "Do you like John Mayer", to which the other one replied "I fucking hate John Mayer." In the end it was a successful undercover report.
Stay tuned for an uncoming report from our other hipster correspondent who took a pilgrimage to his metaphorical mecca, Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Friday, August 22, 2008
hipster douche comment of the day

Joining on the Silver Jew train is Tad Kubler of Hold Steady insulting radiohead to escape from his band's own inadequacy.
"I think [Radiohead have] lost the plot. What are they doing? Where are they going? What's happening? I don't get it any more. They lost me."
Also by the way Kubler... no one knows where Radiohead is going, it's sort of the point, we don't know even know what Thom Yorke is saying most of the time. How's is anyone supposed to know what's happening when Jonny Greenwood is your guitarist
Source stereogum
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Hipster Essentials: The Video Collection

Hipster Olympics
And some other oddities:
Annoying Hipster Douchebag
"I don't really care about other people, so it's like... (shrugs)"
Coolest Hipster Ever
"Before you the Yeah Yeah Yeah's were just Yeah"
Random Awesomeness

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Don't Listen to This Band: Passion Pit

Monday, August 18, 2008
Douche of the Day: David Berman of Silver Jews

Today, in an interview with Pitchfork Media, David Berman of the Hoboken, NJ band, Silver Jews, had this to say about Thom and the boys of Radiohead:
Saturday, August 16, 2008
New Music: Bryant Kitching

Don't Listen to This Band: Women

Besides having a name that's damn near impossible Google, this fresh new Canadian rock band has been burning up my iTunes like crazy lately. Before you think that Women are just merely piggybacking on the recent lo-fi craze, you need to give a serious listen to the their fantastic self titled debut album. Their sound? Well, Women is what No Age would sound like if fronted by the Shins James Mercer. They bring a refreshing pop twist to the often loud and obnoxious lo-fi sound. Fans of The Black Lips and White Denim will most likely be smitten with Women.
Albums We Are NOT Looking Forward To

Untitled - New Japanese Technology
Friday, August 15, 2008
Leak! Still Not Early Enough

Even with the recent busting of illegal file-sharing websites such as, there seems to be no slow in the amount of music being pirated. After all, you never could get a damn invitation to Oink, could you? Nevertheless, why shouldn’t we, as listeners, be able to freeload off our favorite bands and artists? Well…?
“I download practically all of my music for free,” said unabashed music pirate and Hipster Ducheblog contributor Jesse Wolf. When asked if he was aware of the illegality of his actions, Wolf responded, “Hang on, I got like nine torrents going at once here, and the new Cold War Kids album is about to finish. Wait… what was the question again?”
True, artists work hard on their music and need to make a living somehow. Not to mention the simple fact that illegal fie sharing is a Federal offense. But honestly, $15 for a CD? You’ve got to be kidding. That’s money I could be spending at American Apparel, or using to finally get unlimited texting for my new cell phone.
“It’s just so easy! I just go on the Internet, search for whatever album I want, and BAM! 10 minutes later, I’m listening to it while I simultaneously blog about that very same record.” Said a hipster who asked us to remain anonymous. So it seems that it’s laziness and a simple unwillingness to show any shred of thanks to the artists that drive people to priate music. This blogger is still waiting to be convinced that file-sharing is a bad thing.
Which brings us to more important news, Hipster Ducheblog is happy to present an exclusive first listen to the leak of Radiohead’s 8th LP. That’s right, even though it’s a full two years early and all the tracks, as well as the album itself remains untitled, an inside source was able to slip a promo copy of the sure-to-be-anticipated record from Thom Yorke’s London apartment.
About half way through the first track, which unexpectedly has normal bassist Colin Greenwood on the accordion, it is clear that Radiohead still have a firm grasp in the title of Greatest Band Ever. The biggest surprise comes on track 8, in which the normally shy Jonny Greenwood drops roughly two minutes worth of freestyle rap verses. Look for the album to drop, September 23, 2010. (But we know you’ll all have pirated it by then anyway.)
doucheblog epic return to stardom
1. Radiohead is in fact the greatest band, not to be confused with just great band (polls don't lie)
2. Bryant is a lazy journalist (just kidding he just spaces out his muse)
3. Radiohead is amazing
4. There are a lot of really bizarre bands out there.
5. There is only one REAL band out there (hint starts with radio)
6. Who has six points, I should have stopped at 5
Second on the doucheblog to do list, new findings in our research department
People who like indie music are 87.35 % Compatitable for love.
1 out of 8 college students attend college
63.4% of Coldplay fans wish they could be listening to Radiohead
The Shins bassists beats his girlfriend
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
hipster douche comment of the day
Review of Black Kids album here
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Hipster Anthem? MC Lars nails hipster culture
Saturday, July 19, 2008
WILD BEASTS? Heard it already
Friday, July 18, 2008
Don't Listen to this Band

a teenage-electro-pop band which likes hip hop and emo from Lille , France... we just want to play gigs with girls tits
seriously they are awful, but they are built on a strong foundation of french sexuality
This trip we visited the lovely country of Turkey

hipster douche comment of the day
"Radiohead is the best band" -Jesse
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Blog Review
Rating: 4.2
hipster douche comment of the day
"I don't think so" - Bryant's Brother Jack
"Jack... You're an idiot" - Bryant
Today's choice:

Electronica/ Techno / Trance from Brazil
For a video of him mixing see here
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
hipster douche comment of the day
"Except if you're lesbian" - Bryant