Even with the recent busting of illegal file-sharing websites such as oink.com, there seems to be no slow in the amount of music being pirated. After all, you never could get a damn invitation to Oink, could you? Nevertheless, why shouldn’t we, as listeners, be able to freeload off our favorite bands and artists? Well…?
“I download practically all of my music for free,” said unabashed music pirate and Hipster Ducheblog contributor Jesse Wolf. When asked if he was aware of the illegality of his actions, Wolf responded, “Hang on, I got like nine torrents going at once here, and the new Cold War Kids album is about to finish. Wait… what was the question again?”
True, artists work hard on their music and need to make a living somehow. Not to mention the simple fact that illegal fie sharing is a Federal offense. But honestly, $15 for a CD? You’ve got to be kidding. That’s money I could be spending at American Apparel, or using to finally get unlimited texting for my new cell phone.
“It’s just so easy! I just go on the Internet, search for whatever album I want, and BAM! 10 minutes later, I’m listening to it while I simultaneously blog about that very same record.” Said a hipster who asked us to remain anonymous. So it seems that it’s laziness and a simple unwillingness to show any shred of thanks to the artists that drive people to priate music. This blogger is still waiting to be convinced that file-sharing is a bad thing.
Which brings us to more important news, Hipster Ducheblog is happy to present an exclusive first listen to the leak of Radiohead’s 8th LP. That’s right, even though it’s a full two years early and all the tracks, as well as the album itself remains untitled, an inside source was able to slip a promo copy of the sure-to-be-anticipated record from Thom Yorke’s London apartment.
About half way through the first track, which unexpectedly has normal bassist Colin Greenwood on the accordion, it is clear that Radiohead still have a firm grasp in the title of Greatest Band Ever. The biggest surprise comes on track 8, in which the normally shy Jonny Greenwood drops roughly two minutes worth of freestyle rap verses. Look for the album to drop, September 23, 2010. (But we know you’ll all have pirated it by then anyway.)
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